Upgrades and Optimizations To Make Your Car More Environmentally Friendly
Rahmi Doğucan E.Share
Our world is in trouble, every brand is doing their best to avert the crisis by turning their faces to EV’s, lesser carbon footprints and hybrid solutions. The fight is here and it’s happening. As a driver, you too might have picked up the habit of fighting planet-killing emissions! Here’s how you can strengthen your green game with an eco friendly car!
Schedule Regular Preventative Maintenance
A well-maintained vehicle respects the environment. You're already contributing to environmentally friendly cars if you follow your recommended maintenance routine. Regular maintenance services can make your automobile function more smoothly, reduce carbon emissions, and ultimately save money. The replacement of fuel and air filters, the replacement of spark plugs and wires, and inspecting your onboard computer control system for fault codes are some of the most crucial routine maintenance procedures.
Maintain Proper Tire Pressure
Maintaining the correct pressure in your tires will help extend the life of your tires as well as improve your gas mileage and increase your car's safety. As a general rule, check the pressure on your tires once a month. Visit a nearby mechanic to get it done for usually nothing. Additionally, whether in the summer or the winter, it's crucial to inspect your tires whenever the weather changes because the temperature can affect the air pressure in them.
Aim For Less Weight
Your automobile will probably consume more petrol as you add storage since it has to work more to move the load. Eliminating extra weight from your car might help it run more efficiently. The additional drag from a roof rack might increase your fuel usage. When not in use, it is preferable to remove the roof rack.
Decide Your Favorite Speed
When driving along a deserted highway, it can be tempting to press a little harder on the throttle. But driving steadily and braking less frequently will help you save a lot of fuel, plus it's much easier on your car. Aggressive driving (speeding) can reduce your gas mileage by around 15–30% at highway speeds and 10–40% in stop-and-go traffic, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. The ideal speed for fuel economy varies depending on the vehicle, however the best car for environment usually falls between 35 and 50 mph.
Breaking Smartly Actually Helps
Frequent braking can cause gas to burn more quickly each time you need to regain speed, in addition to wearing down your brakes faster. Avoid unnecessary braking and excessive fuel usage to have eco friendly vehicles, anticipate the road in front of you. When feasible, choose highways or routes that won't be congested with traffic so you can maintain a constant speed during your travel.
Shorten the Idling Time
At some point, most of us had undoubtedly parked our cars and left the engine running. When you're just waiting for your food to arrive or in the school pickup line, letting your car idle probably doesn't seem like a huge concern. However, a few seconds can easily stretch into a few minutes, and those minutes are what burns a lot of fuel. Turning off (and resuming) can be a much better option when you'd otherwise be sitting idle because it helps reduce fuel use.
A/C vs Fuel
Even while using the air conditioning on a hot day is pleasant, it increases fuel usage. Words interpreted from the U.S. Department of Energy, utilizing air conditioning in scorching weather can lower a conventional vehicle's fuel economy by more than 25%, especially on short trips. Consider whether you can get away with a cracked window instead of turning up the air conditioning while in the driver's seat. If you must use the air conditioner, strive for a moderate, more comfortable setting rather than a constant bombardment of cold temperatures.
Fill Your Tank Correctly
The manner you fill up your car with petrol matters a lot. After the pump has stopped, filling up your tank with a bit of extra fuel increases the chance that dangerous fumes will release into the atmosphere.
Fortunately, a lot of modern vehicles come with an emissions canister. The vapor gases are discharged into the atmosphere through the canister vent valve. If you overfill your fuel tank, there's a chance that petrol will leak out through the filler neck or even end up in the emission canister assembly. When the pump is finished, it's preferable to stop.
Use Pedal Commander
There are tips and tricks to reduce the amount of fuel used, bit by bit. But there is one way with which you can control your acceleration and optimize your fuel efficiency. Pedal Commander is a performance tool designed to do what it’s name suggests. You can use it to remove the factory latency and improve how your vehicle accelerates or you can use ECO mode to raise the bar for your miles-per-gallon. Discover Pedal Commander now for a greener planet!
Our world is in trouble, every brand is doing their best to avert the crisis by turning their faces to EV’s, lesser carbon footprints and hybrid solutions. The fight is here and it’s happening. As a driver, you too might have picked up the habit to fight deadly gasses. Here’s how you can strengthen your green game with an eco friendly car!