Press Play: Songs for Your Pedal Commander’s Modes
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Driving is the coolest. We all know that. But you’re trying your best to make it even cooler, so you got yourself a brand-new Pedal Commander throttle response controller. Alright, now your ride is like never before, and you get that sudden surge of power whenever you need it. Or not, you floor it just for the kicks now—who doesn't?

We know we made your pride and joy that much better. But we at Pedal Commander don't only make your ride better. Let us make your driving cooler, too. We have curated the best tunes to match your Pedal Commander’s driving modes.
Press play on our playlist!
Eco Mode: Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
You cranked the engine, and your car came alive. You have some busy streets ahead of you, or you have got to drive down a highway with traffic on it. Let’s not put too much stress on the engine and activate the Eco Mode; you won’t need too much power anyway.
Even though it says Fast on the title, Fast Car by Tracy Chapman is slow and relaxing, perfect for calm drives. It won’t boost your inner racecar driver; you won’t be doing anything extraordinary.
Following Song: Drive by The Cars. You won’t need to change the mode; you can fiddle with the sensitivity to your liking with the + and - buttons.
City Mode: I’m in Love with My Car by Queen
Now the engine is warmed up and you’ve left behind the calm part of your daily commute, let’s turn things up a notch. Put the Pedal Commander into City Mode. You’ll instantly feel a boost at the pedal action and start to think that the car should’ve come just like this straight from the factory.
This is where you’ll love your four-wheeled friend all over again, vibing with Roger Taylor as he explains how he would rather spend his finances on his car. Reminds someone, right? Yeah, you.
Following Songs: Long Train Runnin’ by Doobie Brothers and Makin’ Thunderbirds by Bob Seger. You can bump up or down the City Mode through these as you zip through the city.

Sport Mode: Highway Star by Deep Purple
We are getting serious now as you’re up for some spirited driving. Or the traffic on the highway just cleared, and you’ve got nothing but an empty, long stretch of road ahead of you. Put the Pedal Commander in Sport Mode. It removes almost all the restrictions your ride had from the factory. This is where you’ll remember why you love driving so much.
You’re gonna race it to the ground, and nobody gonna beat your car. Sport Mode is the highest mode recommended for daily driving, so crank the volume up and roll down your windows. You’ll look like an utter tool while doing so, but you’ll feel the coolest. It will be perfect.
Following Song: Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen. You can turn down the Sport Mode a notch if Highway Star was too much for you or the people around you to take!
Sport+ Mode: Detroit Rock City by KISS
Now, this is the ultimate. There are no restrictions, no throttle lag, no nothing—just full power on tap. Now you discover a whole new level of driving experience, a very fast one, with your very own car. You have to be cautious with Sport+; it is not for the faint of heart.
You’ve hit top speed but still moving much too slow? Detroit Rock City is the missing piece. Blast it out of your speakers, and if you’re not careful, you’ll get cops’ attention in no time, no question.
Following Songs: Born to Be Wild by Steppenwolf and Highway to Hell by AC/DC to keep the adrenaline flowing.
BONUS: Driving at Night by Joe Satriani
It’s nighttime, you’re behind the wheel, and you’re driving with nowhere to go.
With no specific destination ahead, Satriani’s Driving at Night is THE song to listen to. With which Pedal Commander mode? Definitely not Eco.
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